Zakat Foundation Services
Office Hours
Our office at 4641 Montgomery Avenue LL-30 Bethesda, MD is open from 10:30 am -3:30 pm on Tue.-Thu. and from 10 am -1 pm on Saturdays except for Federal and Muslim Holidays.
Financial Assistance
The Zakat Foundation provides financial assistance to help poor and needy Muslims in America to meet needs for food, clothing, shelter, transportation, medical care.
Social Services and Referral
Through the MEDINA program the Zakat Foundation provides social services, volunteer services, and referrals for people in need of budgeting assistance, counseling, etc.
The Zakat Foundation obtains Qur’ans and other da`wa literature for incarcerated and hospitalized persons.
For more information:
Contact Brother Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad
or Brother Yusef Amin
Islamic-American Zakat Foundation
(301) 907- 0997